Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Greatest Depression Ever"


King Henry Paulson says: 'Buy banks!'

by Paul Farrell

The basic idea of the article is to explain the way in which inflation is effecting all of our money and what to do with the money we have right now, whether to trust in banks or not. After reading the entire article the only part that was truly concise and had any real meaning to me were select paragraphs. The introduction at first interesting quickly shivelled away into a dry repetitive peice. The introduction also featured a quote by a figure whose importance would later be replaced by a far more reliable source. The three sections of this article felt slightly forced and one even useless (the part with reagonomics). The overall feeling of the article remains long and streched out of proportion. Furthermore a lack of alternate information to acknowledge the possible negatives to investing in banks turning head proved troubling. The articles main way of attracting attention was with the headline with "Greatest depression ever". The article then it feels almost takes a total 360 and goes about saying how we will all basically totally screwed if we invest our money into banks because while the economy migt begin to recover thanks to the banks they will in the end also send us into an even deeper economic meltdown. The only people who can really understand the main ideas of this article right off the bat are those who understand the system. Otherwise it feels like we're being sent for a loop every other moment.

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